Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenails in Ankeny and Des Moines, IA

Ingrown toenails are a painful, yet common foot and ankle problem. Ingrown toenails are caused by multiple things including toenail fungus, hereditary shape of the nail, nail deformities, and trauma. When an ingrown toenail occurs, the nail grows downward into the skin instead of out to the surface that is trimmed. This causes the toenail to cut into the skin, which allows easier access for bacteria to enter the area and cause infection. Symptoms can include pain, redness, drainage, and swelling of the toe. The most common spot for ingrown toenails to occur is on both sides of the big toe.

When you visit the Foot and Ankle Center of Iowa, your doctor will initially perform a consultation. At this consultation, they will examine your foot and the ingrown nail. Your foot doctor may require x-rays depending on the level of infection. Following examination, your foot doctor will discuss different treatment options with you which may include antibiotic usage or a procedure to remove the ingrown nail. The procedures for ingrown toenails performed by the foot specialists at Foot and Ankle Center of Iowa have a very high success rate and help you to live pain free without having to worry about the nail growing in again.
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Toenail Fungus

Toenail Fungus in Ankeny and Des Moines, IA

Toenail fungus or onychomycosis as it is known by your foot and ankle doctor is a common condition that affects toenails. The fungus causes your nails to turn yellow or white in discoloration, thickened, grown up instead of out, and noted debris under the nail (subungual debris). This can cause pain to the nails as well as be aesthetically unpleasant. While toenails fungus can be difficult to treat, your foot and ankle physician has varying treatment options. At Foot & Ankle Center of Iowa, your foot doctor will examine your nails and provide options for treatment. Treatment options may include debridement if certain qualifications are met (where your foot doctor trims/thins the nail), topical antifungal treatment, oral antifungal treatment or possibly removal of the nail. Sometimes there are other reasons that the nails change and appear fungal, but they are not. Your foot specialist at Foot and Ankle Center of Iowa will be able to work with you to determine if this is the case so the right treatment plan is started.

Dr. Tina Starkweather of Laser Nail Center of Iowa now provides services out of our clinic location also. Learn more here.

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