All Bunions Our Team Enhanced Surgery Recovery Foot and Ankle Pain Trauma Other Research Sagittal Plane Alignment for 1st MTP Athrodesis (2024) Ankeny Business Journal: Dr. Mindi Dayton (2023) What Do Patients Report Regarding Double First Ray Arthrodesis (2023) What Do Patients Report Regarding Their Real-World Function Following Triplane Metatarsophalangel Joint Arthrodesis for Hallux Valgus(2023) Are NSAIDs a Viable Option During Bone Healing (2022) Prospective Study- Outsomes of Triplanar TMT Fusion (2022) Triplanar Correction for First Metatarsophalangel Fusion (2021) Surgical Correction of Hallux Valgus with Metatarsus Adductus(2021) ACFAS Consensus Statement- Achilles Tendon(2021) Comparison of Radiographs Before and After TMTJ Fusion (2020) Effect on Foot Width With Triplanar Tarsometatarsal Arthrodesis (2020) ACFAS Clinical Consensus Statement: Acute Achilles Tendon Pathology (2020) Analysis of Shortening and Elevation of the First Ray With Instrumented Triplane First Tarsometatarsal Arthrodesis(2020) Effect on Foot Width With Triplanar Tarsometatarsal Arthrodesis for Hallux Valgus(2020) Lapidus Bunionectomy (2019) Healing of TMTJ Arthrodesis with Biplanar Plating (2019) Triplanar TMTJ Arthrodesis with Early Weightbearing (2019) Achilles Tendon Rupture: Etiology and Repair (2018) Triplane Bunion Classification (2018) Mechanical Characteristics of Biplanar Plating (2018) Frontal Plane Correction for Hallux Valgus (2018) Alignment System to Guide Triplanar Bunion Correction (2017) Tibial Sesamoid Position after TMTJ Arthrodesis (2017) Heel Pain Consensus: Diagnosis and Treatment (2017) Comparison of Ankle Joint Range of Motion (2017) Open vs Percutaneous Ex-Fix for Calcaneal Fractures (2017) Frontal Plane Correction in Bunion Surgery (2017) Mechanical Characteristics of Biplanar Planting (2016) Hallux Valgus Roundtable Discussion(2016) Comparison of Screw Stability(2016) Achilles Tendon Overview (2016) Flawed Bunion Paradigm (2015) Charcot Reconstruction (2015) Frontal Plane Rotation and MPJ Position (2015) Complications with Metatarsal Suture Techniques (2015) MIS Calcaneal Fracture Technique (2014) Clarification of the Anatomic Position of a Bunion (2014) Medial Cuneiform Position after 1st MPJ Fusion (2014) Frontal Plane Rotation of 1st Metatarsal (2014) Review: Reduction of IMA after 1st MPJ Fusion (2014) Reduction of IMA after 1st MPJ Fusion (2014) Pediatric Growth Plate Fractures(2014) Ilizarov Fixation for Diabetic Ankle Fractures (2014) Bunion Radiographic Measurements: Hallux Position (2014) Postoperative Showering with Sutures (2014) Evans Calcaneal Osteotomy and Locking Plates (2013) Frontal Plane Rotation and PASA in Bunions (2013) Review: Postoperative Showering with Sutures (2013) Measurement of Mid-Calcaneal Length (2011) Hallux Varus and Compartment Syndrome (2011) Gastrocnemius Recession Positioning (2010) Dorsal Suspension Stitch for Hammertoes (2009) Weightbearing after 1st MPJ Fusion(2004) IM Reduction (2002) with Fusion (2002) Compartment Syndrome (1990) Gunshot Wounds (1990)