I had arthritis in my big toe which caused a bunion to form. I put off going to see a doctor for years but it finally gave me enough pain that I needed to get it fixed. Dr Dayton had done surgery on my husband’s toes a few years prior. He was exceptionally satisfied with the results so I searched out Dr. Dayton since he was no longer with our local clinic.
My total experience has been amazing. The entire staff and both Drs. Paul and Mindi have one goal in mind…to get you back to living “your normal life” with no pain.
Drs. Paul and Mindi are very innovative. They figured out a bunion surgery which is less invasive than the traditional surgery. They just put all the bones back where they belong. No more shaving off the bone…it is amazing!
There were no surprises. They knew what I would feel and go through during each stage of my recovery. They gave me information to take home to remind me of the physical exercises that I should be doing but limiting me so I wouldn’t do too much and have issues.
My surgery was February 23rd. Today is almost 3 months later, I have no pain and can wear all of my sandals, however, I am staying away from flip-flops for awhile longer.
I highly recommend Drs. Paul and Mindi Dayton, their staff and the entire clinic.
Author Foot & Ankle Center of Iowa