Painful Bunions?

There’s A New, Patented Treatment Option!
Fix the Root Cause. Walk Within Days of Surgery*. Learn More About 3D Bunion Correction!

If your bunions are bothering you, then a visit to the Foot and Ankle Center of Iowa/Midwest Bunion Centers located in Ankeny and Des Moines, Iowa may be exactly what you need. Around 70% of men and women who have traditional bunion surgery are dissatisfied with the procedure and seek further treatment. At the Foot and Ankle Center of Iowa/Midwest Bunion Centers, our podiatrists use Lapiplasty® 3D bunion correction to get to the root of your problem and make sure you don’t have to look for another treatment. Call or schedule your appointment online as soon as possible to finally get the foot relief you deserve.

What is Lapiplasty® 3D bunion correction?

Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction is a revolutionary procedure through which the board-certified foot and ankle surgeons at Foot and Ankle Center of Iowa/Midwest Bunion Centers tackle the foundation of your bunion problem. This procedure not only alleviates your foot pain but it also significantly reduces the chances of you ever having to suffer another bunion again.

A bunion forms when your big toe pushes on your neighboring toe due to a weakened bone foundation. This can cause mild to severe pain and also causes some excess bone to stick out. Traditional surgeries simply cut off the excess bone and, since the weakened foundation is left untreated, your bunion can easily return again.

With Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction treatment, your podiatrist doesn’t cut off the excess bone. Instead, they realign your bones properly and further strengthen their weakened foundation with titanium fillings. Since they take care of the root of your bunion problem, the chances of you having to experience this painful foot situation again are highly decreased.

How long does Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction take?

The Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction procedure is an outpatient surgery that only takes about an hour to complete. You can rest in the comfort of your own home for recovery after your procedure is complete.

Can I return to normal activity after the lapiplasty® 3D bunion correction procedure?

You can definitely return to your day-to-day activities after the surgery, though you need some recovery time. Most patients typically begin walking again — with the assistance of a surgical boot within days after your surgery.

Most patients return to walking shoes between 6-7 weeks after the surgery, low impact activity around 3-3/12 months, and back to all activity and exercise around 4 months. It is important to note, however, that everyones recovery is different.

Can I have Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction surgery if I have undertaken a previous surgery?

Yes, many patients who come in for Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction do so after a failed traditional surgery. The board-certified foot and ankle surgeons at Foot and Ankle Center of Iowa/Midwest Bunion Centers tackle the root of your bunion problem so you’re given a more permanent solution.

Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction surgery at theFoot and Ankle Center of Iowa/Midwest Bunion Centers could be the solution you’ve been seeking to stop your bunion pain and start enjoying walking again. Contact the office online or over the phone today to book an appointment.