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Bunion Background
• Hereditary condition
• Deviation of the first metatarsal and big toe over time due to the forces of walking
• Extremely common
• 36% incidence
• Shoes cause irritation and pain, but do not cause the bunion

Possible issues following bone surgery
Swelling will be present for several weeks and could last several months | Scars can take up to 1-1.5 years to fade | There can be some numbness along the scars
Infection (<2% chance) | Need to remove plates and screws (5-10% chance) | Failure of bones to heal (<2% chance) | Recurrence of the original deformity (1-3% chance)
Need for further surgery (rare)
Most bunion procedures have a BAD reputation because of cutting the metatarsal bone does not fix the problem

Lapiplasty restores normal anatomic alignment; improving function and decreasing the risk of recurrence of the bunion

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