Achilles Tendinopathy can be a debilitating pathology that leads to pain with walking and can force you to limit activity. There are multiple causes of this tendinopathy, from mechanics and overuse, to acute injury, and it can be aggravated by many causes, such as activity, inappropriate shoes, and weight to just name a few.   The experts at Foot & Ankle Center of Iowa treat all Achilles pathology, including tendinopathy and rupture and are well versed in the state of the art, evidence based treatments to get you on the road to recovery quickly.   Check out this American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons podcast moderated by our own Dr. Paul Dayton, DPM to learn more. ACFAS is the national leader in podiatric surgical education.  The members of the college are among the nation’s leaders in foot and ankle surgery.   Author Foot & Ankle Center of Iowa

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